Virtual Team Building


In today’s world it’s more critical than ever to remain connected to your team.  Virtual Team Building sessions bring together team members to learn what’s most important to each individual.  Ultimately, this experience provides a platform of dialogue and understanding that boosts team trust and opens up a deeper level of communication with coworkers.

Virtual Team Building is a collaborative experience with the opportunity to explore:

  • How each team member prefers to communicate
  • What motivates performance
  • Strengths that each team member brings to the team
  • Potential challenge areas to watch out for and improve upon
  • How to advance team communication and understanding
  • Stressors and how to effectively manage them during times of change

Program Agenda

The foundation of the Virtual Team Building experience is a communication assessment (DiSCMBTIEmergeneticsFive Behaviors of a Cohesive Team). The knowledge and insight of team results helps teams to boost team trust and engage in a deeper level of communications and understanding.

Using the chosen communication assessment, team members receive individual and team results that identify areas of strength that can be leveraged while uncovering challenge opportunities that may be holding the team back. Virtual Team Building sessions are engaging and provide actionable strategies to put into practice immediately within the team.

Requirements & Logistics

What’s Required for a Virtual Team Building?

Virtual Trainings are delivered to any size team.  For teams of 15 and under, Interactive Virtual Team Building engages team members in a collaborative dialogue. For larger teams, we offer our Virtual Team Building Webinar format.

Interactive Virtual Team Building

  • Teams from 4-15 team members
  • Team members complete a communication profile prior to the session (DiSCMBTIEmergeneticsFive Behaviors of a Cohesive Team)
  • Virtual Team Building meetings provide a platform for dialogue that includes a debrief of team results and specific applications that put the principles of the chosen assessment into action (90 minutes)

Virtual Team Building Webinars

  • Teams of 16+ team members
  • Team members complete a communication profile (DiSCMBTIEmergeneticsFive Behaviors of a Cohesive Team)
  • Virtual Team Building Webinars deliver a debrief of team results as appropriate and outlines actionable and specific strategies to keep the chosen assessment moving forward within the team (60 minutes)


Virtual Team Building sessions provide the opportunity to explore:

  • Differences in communication styles across team members
  • How to increase trust across the team by learning to leverage differences and similarities
  • How performance is driven by what motivates different team members
  • Opportunity areas that may be holding back the team for further development
  • Specific and actionable strategies to increase team communication and understanding
  • Stressors and how to manage uncertainty in a time of change

All programs include

Throw out the technology. Instead of your team following a device telling you where to go and what to do, it is up to your team to collaborate and problem-solve.

We recognize that this is not just an ‘event’. Our programming is about building teams, incorporating strategic and collaborative team building challenges, and giving back to the community. We are seasoned facilitators that deliver high impact team/leader programming.

Complex, Strategic, and Highly Collaborative Team Initiatives that Promote ‘Balanced Teamwork’ for High Performing Teams

Corporate Teams takes care of everything behind the scenes. Coordination includes: Client Requirements; Program Delivery and Facilitation; Venue Logistics; Recipient Organization and Logistics; Recipient Involvement On-Site; Equipment Safety.

Your One-Stop Provider

Add a profile assessment, facilitator or speaker to create a custom program!

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