ADT Braves the Rain in Ft. Lauderdale

Even with the heat index in the high 80’s on this September afternoon, the Finance team from ADT, decided that a few thunderstorms and heat weren’t going to dampen their spirits. They embarked on a Mission Impossible Team challenge in Fort Lauderdale.
This was the first team building outing for this newly formed team, consisting of members from both the treasury department as well as the planning and analysis department. With their rain gear on, off they went to see which team would solve the most Mission Challenges and come back the victor!
Dodging the rain, they went off in various directions, each team choosing a different location to start in Ft. Lauderdale. From the Performing Arts Center to the Historic District, fun was had by all. The team commented that is was great to get to know the new members as well as great to spend time with each other outside the office. “Learning can be fun,” they said in the end!