Managing Conflict in the Workplace


Conflict can be extremely uncomfortable and awkward. It triggers a diversity of behaviors across a team, ranging from mean spirited and destructive conflict to healthy and productive debate. Conflict is not a bad thing. For teams to thrive, it’s critical that a team engages in conflict to reach the best possible outcomes. Managing productive conflict not only avoids lost productivity, it promotes healthy behaviors and respectful communication within teams.

This interactive and hands-on experience provides team members with actionable strategies to harness conflict and drive team productivity and results.

Program Agenda

Establish a Language of Teamwork

This interactive program kicks off establishing a Language of Teamwork using the principles of Everything DiSC. Team members gain an appreciation of DiSC communication styles and how different styles may clash and cause destructive conflict. Team results help individuals to understand how to recognize DiSC styles and anticipate behaviors to manage conflict productively.

Productive Conflict in Action!

The team jumps onto motion with a series of team exercises and team challenges put the principles of DiSC and conflict into action. Emulating the pace of the day-to-day, teams are tasked to strategize quickly, develop innovation solutions, evaluate possible alternatives, execute efficiently, and manage opportunities for improvement – managing potential conflict throughout the process.


Teams develop an actionable plan to put productive conflict strategies into place immediately upon return to the workplace.

Post Program: DiSC Conflict Strategies On-Going

MyEverythingDiSC App keeps DiSC in action and team members collaborating. Comparison reports help team members to increase communication effectiveness across the team. Corporate Teams provides quarterly Team Tips and Strategies for applying best practices.

Requirements & Logistics

Corporate Teams customizes all programs with delivery in 2-8 hour sessions. Shorter timelines provide a quick application of DiSC Conflict strategies while longer sessions may incorporate a foundation of DiSC, team exercises, and application based team challenges.

1) Pre-Program Analysis of Team Objectives and Desired Takeaways; Team Dynamics; Team Strengths and Challenges

2) Team Members Complete On-Line Everything DiSC Productive Conflict assessment

3) Team Results are Analyzed for Program Customizations

4) Interactive, Hands-On Program Delivery with Certified Everything DiSC Facilitator

5) Post-Program MyEverythingDiSC App Keeps DiSC Productive Conflict Moving Forward

6) Quarterly Updates and Application YouTube Videos for On-Going Reinforcement


  • Apply the Everything DiSC Language of Teamwork to increase awareness of DiSC styles across the team
  • Appreciate how your preferred style of handling conflict affects the people around you
  • Learn how to “catch” yourself and recognize how others are reacting when going down a destructive conflict path
  • Learn how to reframe a conflict situation and choose more productive behaviors that promote healthy debate
  • Build a common language within the team or organization around appropriate conflict behaviors in the workplace

Read our Blog Post on DiSC Strategies for Productive Conflict

All programs include

Throw out the technology. Instead of your team following a device telling you where to go and what to do, it is up to your team to collaborate and problem-solve.

We recognize that this is not just an ‘event’. Our programming is about building teams, incorporating strategic and collaborative team building challenges, and giving back to the community. We are seasoned facilitators that deliver high impact team/leader programming.

Complex, Strategic, and Highly Collaborative Team Initiatives that Promote ‘Balanced Teamwork’ for High Performing Teams

Corporate Teams takes care of everything behind the scenes. Coordination includes: Client Requirements; Program Delivery and Facilitation; Venue Logistics; Recipient Organization and Logistics; Recipient Involvement On-Site; Equipment Safety.

Your One-Stop Provider

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