Motivity Solutions is Let Loose in LoDo

The teams from Motivity Solutions were full of spirit, energy, and excitement when I met them at their kickoff location in Downtown Denver. The teams were gathered together today to have some fun outside the office and enhance their overall sense of communication and collaboration.
Each team was pre-assigned based on their Insights Color Profile, which created two yellow teams, two blue teams, one red, and one green team. Each team came dressed in their team color with coordinating accessories to show their team spirit.
We began the kickoff and right away I could sense that we not only had a spirited bunch, but a competitive group as well. They were all hungry to win and eager to hit the streets of LoDo. The teams quickly dove into the first part of the challenge, with each team utilizing a different strategy.
Out in the field of play, the teams made it across a span of mission locations. The program concluded when the teams barely made it back to the check in location on time…some with just seconds to spare! While tallying the score, it was clear that one team emerged as the winning team… was it due to their color profile or was this perhaps a more competitive team? It’s hard to know, but one thing that is for sure, Motivity Solutions has a unique culture with a fun dynamic of different people!