Page Group – Amazing Adventure Race: Chicago

The fiercely competitive team from the Page Group took to the streets of Chicago to participate in the Amazing Adventure Race on May 2nd. With $1,000 on the line for the winning team, this competition was not taken lightly!! From the moment the teams were given their supplies, it was a mad dash to see who could develop the best strategy and ultimately come-out on top!
Teams had the opportunity to visit several Chicago hot-spots – stopping along the way for a beverage or two. In addition, the teams participated in some physical challenges such as the Push-Up Challenge, the Frisbee Toss and the Tennis Ball Pass. They also squeezed in a bit of yoga along the way.
It was a fantastic experience for all, and the Red team walked away $1,000 richer! We thoroughly enjoyed the energetic group and look forward to future opportunities with the Page Group!